Tuesday, July 25, 2017



Be unique wherever you are in whatever you do, to stay focused and productive:-

🔷Always remember your WHY.
“Why do you do something in the first place? How does it fit into your big picture? Why do you choose to do this instead of others? What do you actually want to accomplish? What’s the significance of this activity/work/project? What does it mean to you and the people who depend on you?” Once you have crystal clear answers for these questions, focus and productivity come almost naturally.

🔷Set practical expectations.
Most people overestimate what they can do in a day and underestimate what they can do in a year. The former assumption is a huge trap. If you falsely believe you can complete 5x the tasks than you actually can, stress and anxiety are gonna kick in and steal away your focus and productivity. Setting practical expectation is crucial because it allows you to stay at the present moment and deeply focus on the task at hand.

🔷Keep your daily goals achievable and visible.
The key words are “Daily”, “Achievable” and “Visible”. To be productive, it’s important to break down your grand goals into annual, monthly, weekly and most importantly daily goals. Without daily goals, you’ll sense of momentum will be impacted. Keep your daily goals achievable and make them happen. No dilly dally and no excuses. Your daily goals should be visible too - they can be written on a board, a piece of paper, computer sticky notes or your phone. The point is to allow you to see them easily.

🔷Rest well - physically and mentally. You deserve it.
We’re humans, not machines. In fact, even machines have down time. Rest well before work. Rest well after work. Rest here doesn’t only mean sleep. It also includes mental relaxation activities, such as exercise and meditation. In other words, if you’ve been engaged in mentally strenuous work, you can rest by enjoying the sport you love after work.

🔷Face your fear, so you can focus in your real work.
It’s not that we can’t focus at all. In fact, we find it easy to focus on movies and computer games. Often times, we subconsciously refuse to focus because we fear the work required to produce the output we want. That’s irrational fear. Nothing sucks more than running away from the real work and suffering the consequences later. You must be courageous enough to put in the work. This leads to the next important point…

🔷Remove distractions.
A huge part of our working time is spent on distraction. Precious time is wasted. Before working, remove distractions at all costs - No social media, no petty worries, no irrational fear. The only important thing is the important work in front of you. Keep your phone out of sight. Put your emails aside - you don’t have to reply them instantly. If your mind is constantly running in all directions, practice simple meditations to tame it. Be your mind’s master, not the other way round.

🔷Get into your flow state for maximum focus. It’s within you.
Once you build up the boldness to put in the real work, flow state comes almost naturally. Flow state is a state in which you’re fully present in the moment, immersed in your work and don’t feel the time fleeting away. Your mind and body are in optimum conditions to perform. You enjoy the process. You possess maximum focus. You can get into flow state when your tasks are moderately difficult and require moderately high skills. The more you experience flow state, the easier it is for you to get into it.

🔷Conserve your mental energy.
Everything is trying to steal our attention today, which is finite. Protect your mind and will power. Keep it for the most important work. Respect your work. Important work deserve your highest level of dedication.

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