Wednesday, May 23, 2018


The 8 Monkeys

(This is reportedly based on an actual experiment conducted.)

Put eight monkeys in a room. In the middle of the room is a ladder, leading to a bunch of bananas

hanging from a hook on the ceiling.

Each time a monkey tries to climb the ladder, all the monkeys are sprayed with ice water, which makes them miserable. Soon enough, whenever a monkey attempts to climb the ladder, all of the other monkeys, not wanting to be sprayed, set upon him and beat him up. Soon, none of the eight monkeys ever attempts to climb the ladder.

One of the original monkeys is then removed, and a new monkey is put in the room. Seeing the bananas and the ladder, he wonders why none of the other monkeys are doing the obvious. But undaunted, he immediately begins to climb the ladder.

All the other monkeys fall upon him and beat him silly. He has no idea why.

However, he no longer attempts to climb the ladder.

A second original monkey is removed and replaced. The newcomer again attempts to climb the ladder, but all the other monkeys hammer the crap out of him.

This includes the previous new monkey, who, grateful that he's not on the receiving end this time, participates in the beating because all the other monkeys are doing it. However, he has no idea why he's attacking the new monkey.

One by one, all the original monkeys are replaced. Eight new monkeys are now in the room. None of them have ever been sprayed by ice water. None of them attempt to climb the ladder. All of them will enthusiastically beat up any new monkey who tries, without having any idea why.

And that is how most company policies and religious traditions get established and followed.

Friday, July 28, 2017



14 Interesting Psychological Facts

1. Your favorite song is likely associated with an emotional event.

2. Music impacts your perspective.

This one seems kind of obvious! A study at the University of Groningen showed that music has a dramatic impact on your perception.

3. The more you spend on others, the happier you are.

According to various studies. Be sure to give plenty this holiday season!

4. Spending money on experience instead of stuff also makes you happier.

Collect memories not things, right?

5. Kids are more high strung today than the average psych ward patient in 1950.

Which is pretty scary but not surprising. About half the human population now suffers anxiety, depression, or a sort of substance abuse.

6. Certain religious practices lower stress.

“The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Mood Disorders" shows that people who engage in meditation and prayer religiously are less stressed out.

7. Money does buy happiness, but only up to $75,000 a year.

For the average American, $75k a year buys happiness. It liberates you from poverty and gets you what you need in life.

8. Being with happy people makes you happier.

This should come as no surprise.

9. 18 to 33 year olds are the most stressed out people on earth.

Family, education, work, it can all be pretty stressful.

10. Convincing yourself you slept well tricks your brain into thinking it did.

Thus giving you more energy. They called it “placebo sleep".

11. Smart people underestimate themselves and ignorant people think they're brilliant.

It's called the Dunning Kruger Effect, it's real, and just go on Facebook and you'll see what I'm talking about.

12. When you remember a past event, you're actually remembering the last time you remembered it.

Alright, that one blew the hell out of my mind. This is why our memories fade and distort over time.

13. Your decisions are more rational when thought in another language.

A university of Chicago study showed that Korean citizens who thought in foreign languages reduced their overall bias. Neat.

14. If you announce your goals, you're less likely to succeed.

It's true. Tests since the 1930's have pretty well proven it.

While I have been preparing this article I smiled to myself without being aware of the reason to my smile!! It's interesting in fact!!!

Tuesday, July 25, 2017



Be unique wherever you are in whatever you do, to stay focused and productive:-

🔷Always remember your WHY.
“Why do you do something in the first place? How does it fit into your big picture? Why do you choose to do this instead of others? What do you actually want to accomplish? What’s the significance of this activity/work/project? What does it mean to you and the people who depend on you?” Once you have crystal clear answers for these questions, focus and productivity come almost naturally.

🔷Set practical expectations.
Most people overestimate what they can do in a day and underestimate what they can do in a year. The former assumption is a huge trap. If you falsely believe you can complete 5x the tasks than you actually can, stress and anxiety are gonna kick in and steal away your focus and productivity. Setting practical expectation is crucial because it allows you to stay at the present moment and deeply focus on the task at hand.

🔷Keep your daily goals achievable and visible.
The key words are “Daily”, “Achievable” and “Visible”. To be productive, it’s important to break down your grand goals into annual, monthly, weekly and most importantly daily goals. Without daily goals, you’ll sense of momentum will be impacted. Keep your daily goals achievable and make them happen. No dilly dally and no excuses. Your daily goals should be visible too - they can be written on a board, a piece of paper, computer sticky notes or your phone. The point is to allow you to see them easily.

🔷Rest well - physically and mentally. You deserve it.
We’re humans, not machines. In fact, even machines have down time. Rest well before work. Rest well after work. Rest here doesn’t only mean sleep. It also includes mental relaxation activities, such as exercise and meditation. In other words, if you’ve been engaged in mentally strenuous work, you can rest by enjoying the sport you love after work.

🔷Face your fear, so you can focus in your real work.
It’s not that we can’t focus at all. In fact, we find it easy to focus on movies and computer games. Often times, we subconsciously refuse to focus because we fear the work required to produce the output we want. That’s irrational fear. Nothing sucks more than running away from the real work and suffering the consequences later. You must be courageous enough to put in the work. This leads to the next important point…

🔷Remove distractions.
A huge part of our working time is spent on distraction. Precious time is wasted. Before working, remove distractions at all costs - No social media, no petty worries, no irrational fear. The only important thing is the important work in front of you. Keep your phone out of sight. Put your emails aside - you don’t have to reply them instantly. If your mind is constantly running in all directions, practice simple meditations to tame it. Be your mind’s master, not the other way round.

🔷Get into your flow state for maximum focus. It’s within you.
Once you build up the boldness to put in the real work, flow state comes almost naturally. Flow state is a state in which you’re fully present in the moment, immersed in your work and don’t feel the time fleeting away. Your mind and body are in optimum conditions to perform. You enjoy the process. You possess maximum focus. You can get into flow state when your tasks are moderately difficult and require moderately high skills. The more you experience flow state, the easier it is for you to get into it.

🔷Conserve your mental energy.
Everything is trying to steal our attention today, which is finite. Protect your mind and will power. Keep it for the most important work. Respect your work. Important work deserve your highest level of dedication.

Monday, July 24, 2017



Treat yourself as another person and do what you do to love others! Soon you would develop feelings for this person, and before you know it, you would fall in mad love with the most amazing, beautiful and intelligent being on this planet, YOU ❤️

Look into the mirror and see your beauty
Just stand in front of the mirror. Look at you, all happy and blushing. Shuffle your hair, make a V sign from your right hand and say, Yo! Everything is perfect. You are beautiful. Your inner self, which is your prized possession, is emanating a glorious glow adding icing on the cake. You will instantly develop a crush on yourself.

Spend time with yourself, What do you do to understand your partner? You spend time with her/him. Same goes for you. Take out half an hour from your busy schedule for yourself. Sit down and understand yourself - what do you like, what are your hobbies, strength and weakness, what are you scared of, what you want to achieve and the obstructions and so on. We have gotten so busy that we have stopped listening to our own self. How can you fall in love with someone you don't understand well?

Pamper yourselfGo and buy yourself that expensive dress you have window shopping since months. Celebrate a movie night munching a bag full of popcorn. Treat yourself with a 10 course dinner at your favorite restaurant. Go out on a date wearing a wonderful perfume, mighty sunglasses and that expensive dress that you bought. Sometimes, you gotta spoil yourself!

Travel alone,
Go backpacking to Europe or checkout the culture of India. Conquer Mt Machu Picchu or swim in Lake Tahoe. Go for sky diving or just spend the weekend driving along Pacific Coast Highway. Take selfies, learn a few words from the local language and how to cook their food. This would broaden your horizon and enhance how you think and act. This would increase your confidence and give you a great opportunity learning about you and befriending yourself.

Spend less time on social network Face-book, etc has created a false sense of insecurity, low self esteem and low self confidence in a lot of people, especially the youth. Realize that no-one is as happy or successful or healthy as they appear on Face-book. So grow over it. If it makes you happy, post a photo shopped or crazy image of yourself and get 100s of likes. This is what most of the other people are doing.

Or simply love yourself for what you are The purest form of love is the one where you love a person unconditionally - for what what he/she actually is. Everyone has some flaws, but love is blind my friend! You know all your flaws and insecurities, but realize that this is the best part -  there are no surprises in this relationship. This is the most stable and ever-lasting one. Overlook these and pay attention to your uniqueness, your cute smile, the way you say "Hello" on phone, your dreams and aspiration. If your flaws are bothering you too much stop hating yourself and start working on these. And love yourself for the fact that you are improving and getting better!

So there is no new recipe for loving your own self. It's the same old method that you have been using on others - find yourself attractive, spend some time with yourself and give gifts and surprises. And love yourself for what you are :)

Sunday, July 23, 2017



1.The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who actually do it.

2.A successful product is not something everybody needs, but something everybody wants.

3.The art of selling is the most important skill a businessman can possess.

4.Everyone can be an artist, if they are passionate enough about the things they make.There could be hundreds of skilled musicians in a band, each one playing an instrument, but at the end it all come down to the person who plays the orchestra.

5.A person’s name and image can become the biggest brand a company will ever have.



♦️.Friend has end sub word in it, Understand this!!
.♦️People will be your good friend and best friend as per their mood. Be aware of this too.
♦️Do not depend on your friends for happiness and or help of any sort.Create your own happiness and you should have limit.
♦️Some friends are just faking and exploring, do not put them in close circle until you are damn sure.Be aware of who you are and you will understand others too!!
♦️Respect personal space and life situations.Do not go too deep.
♦️Do not joke about their looks, family unless they are cool about it.
♦️Some friends secretly get hurt for no reason and curse you from bottom of their heart.Don't care live your life!!!!
♦️Do not make a friend feel left out when you get a partner in your life.
♦️If they don’t want to hangout 2 times in a row, stop calling. This is principle of self respect.
♦️Give them time and space they want. Don’t try to be a happy go lucky guy in during miserable times of their lives. They hate it.and last but not the least.
🔷Always choose to be friends with those who uplift you or wait for them.
 Don’t just make friends BECAUSE you are afraid of being alone.

Hope it helped you!!

Sunday, July 16, 2017


You don’t need more time than 30 mins right before going to bed. Be creative with the books you read, you might read a Warren Buffet’s biography but next time you might choose a fantasy story.

-Learn languages
Don’t take a book and learn it like if you were studying for your history exam. Watch a movie you like in it’s original language, go meet with people that speak this language natively or even meet new people. (You will accomplish points 2,8 or 9 at once!)

Once I heard that meditation will become next running. What does it mean? Maybe you remember that couple years ago running wasn't so popular because a lot of people didn’t know the benefits. Now more researches confirm that meditation is really beneficial for our body so maybe in the future everybody will meditate for at least 5 mins everyday.

Do I have to really explain this?

-Change environment
Go to the places you've never seen before, travel and expose your brain to a lot of things you didn’t know about.

-Learn new skills. Learning new skill will help in facing different situations, being multi skilled will make your mind to be more active and you will feel much confident.

- Write
That will make easier for you to precise your thoughts more clearly and put them on a paper. It might be writing some important tips in "general knowledge" and through doing so you can start writing your own book. 1 page everyday and by the next year you will have your novel done.

-Meet with your friends
Be careful with that one. I didn’t mean going with your friends on a party and getting shit face. Sure go with them to a pub for a one beer or two, but what matters is having a meaningful conversation with them.

-Meet new people
This is what a lot of people struggling with as meeting new people isn’t a piece of cake for everyone. But by fighting with your weaknesses you will develop yourself, so go for it!.

-Solve problems
Once I bought for myself a book with riddles and I was spending 15 minutes everyday by solving them.

Remember if you want to shine like a sun, you have to burn like it first.
    Wish you a wonderful Sunday knowledge seekers.

By Eng:Musa
Contact: 0762624780


The 8 Monkeys (This is reportedly based on an actual experiment conducted.) Put eight monkeys in a room. In the middle of the room is a ...